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WRA. Water Resources

 Collecting Area
Identifier: WRA

Found in 134 Collections and/or Records:

Papers of Roland C. Fischer

Identifier: wrcf

Roland C. "Rolly" Fischer (1928-2016) worked for the Colorado River Water Conservation District for nearly three decades, as secretary-engineer and general manager, retiring in 1996. His collection documents some aspects of the district as well as Colorado water law. It contains reports, letters, publications, photographs, and artifacts.

Dates: 1936-2014

Papers of Ralph E. "Butch" Clark, III

Identifier: wcla

Ralph E. "Butch" Clark, III, has lived in Gunnison, Colorado, since 1970 and has long advocated for social justice. The documents here were collected by Clark in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Strategies Group. They document the Gunnison Basin, the Colorado River, and other tributary watersheds through court documents, letters, publications, and reports.

Dates: 1948-2016

Papers of William R. Kelly

Identifier: wwrk
Abstract William R. Kelly (1883-1980) worked as a lawyer, primarily based in Greeley, Colorado, for more than 60 years and became an authority on water law during that time. He was instrumental in the formation of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District in the 1930s and served as their attorney. The collection consists chiefly of various reminscences and writings by Kelly. Often these are autobiographical or related to water law or projects, though some are about family, friends, or...
Dates: 1900-2019

Papers of Robert and Daphne Illeman

Identifier: WIFP
Abstract Daphne Illeman (1921-2016) and Robert Illeman (1917-2003), a married couple, worked as civil engineers for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation on multiple projects, including what became the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project in Colorado. The collection includes two sets of reports produced by the Bureau for the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, a transmountain diversion, along with other reports, maps, and drawings related to water resources development projects and research. The collection also includes...
Dates: 1938-1968; Majority of material found in 1948-1950

Papers of Michael A. Stevens

Identifier: WSTE
Abstract Michael A. Stevens (1935–2023) was an associate professor at Colorado State University, engineer, and engineering consultant who worked with government agencies and engineering firms in North and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East. His research and projects included work on rivers, irrigation, erosion, geomorphology, hydrology, flood control, drainage, dams, and levees. The collection consists of his publications; correspondence, data, and engineering plans...
Dates: 1948-2012

Federal Land Bank of Wichita Collection

Identifier: WFLB
Abstract The Federal Land Bank of Wichita was created, along with twelve other banks, by the United States government to provide long-term credit to farmers by the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916 in response to the unique credit needs of farmers. The collection contains reports and maps relating to ditches, streams, and underground water in Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, and Nebraska, as well as similar reports from the Land Bank of Berkeley regarding Utah and Wyoming. A portion of the collection is...
Dates: 1907-1989; Majority of material found within 1942-1980

Papers of Edwin W. Mogren

Identifier: WEWM
Abstract Dr. Edwin Mogren (1921-2001) was a professor in the College of Forestry at Colorado State University from 1948 to 1986 and upon his retirement was appointed professor emeritus. While teaching at CSU, he also served as a consultant and expert witness on several legal water cases. This collection consists of many of Mogren's field notes, data, maps, graphs, correspondence, photographs, and reports related to the litigation he was involved with during the 1970s and 1980s. A portion of the...
Dates: 1963-1999; Majority of material found within 1973-1996

North Poudre Irrigation Company Oral History Collection

Identifier: WNPI
Abstract The North Poudre Irrigation Company has supplied water in northern Colorado for over one hundred years. Incorporated in 1901, the company founded the sugar-beet farming community of Wellington in 1903 and currently manages more than 22 storage reservoirs and approximately 200 miles of ditches. This collection primarily consists of eleven oral histories with company officials. It reflects the history of this local irrigation enterprise and the evolution of agricultural and municipal water use...
Dates: 1992-1994

Papers of Lloyd J. Gronning

Identifier: WGRO
Abstract A water program management consultant, Lloyd J. Gronning has worked on projects across the West. He served as the president of Gronning Engineering Company from 1984 to 1996 and as the vice president of Montgomery Watson, Inc. from 1996 to 1999. The collection chiefly contains reports by Gronning Engineering Company related to the Arkansas River, Colorado Springs Utilities, groundwater, and water rights. The collection also contains a statewide water development study as well as documents,...
Dates: 1986-1999

Papers of Robert K. Davis

Identifier: WRKD
Abstract Robert K. Davis, now retired from the University of Colorado-Boulder's Environment and Behavior Program, Institute of Behavioral Science, has focused his research on the economics of natural resource management, with emphasis on water resources, hunting, wildlife and wildlife management. Over the years he worked for a number of institutions, including serving as assistant director for economics at the Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Department of Interior (1976-1985), and as Senior Associate...
Dates: 1926-2000; Majority of material found within 1980-1999

Records of the Consolidated Home Supply Ditch and Reservoir Company

Identifier: WCHS
Abstract Formed in 1882 in Loveland, Colorado, the Consolidated Home Supply Ditch and Reservoir Company (CHS) delivers water for agricultural purposes through its system of ditches and reservoirs located in Larimer and Weld counties. The company and its system, which draws from the Big Thompson River, are well documented through minute books, water records, and files of recent secretaries. Supplementing these are stock, financial, and legal records, as well as photographs, maps, plans, and drawings....
Dates: 1874-2012; Majority of material found within 1950-2005

Records of the North Poudre Irrigation Company

Identifier: WNPR
Abstract Since 1901, the North Poudre Irrigation Company (NPIC) has supplied water to Northern Colorado's Boxelder Creek Valley farmers and ranchers through its system of canals and reservoirs. Today, the company owns nineteen reservoirs and approximately 200 miles of ditches and laterals. The company's activities and system are documented through a variety of material types including annual reports, stock certificates, financial records, legal documents, engineering reports, correspondence, meeting...
Dates: 1880-2009; Majority of material found within 1901-2005

Records of DARCA

Identifier: WDAR

The Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance (DARCA) was created in November 2001 in Silverthorne, Colorado. DARCA is a non-profit trade organization dedicated to assisting Colorado's ditch and reservoir companies, lateral ditch companies, irrigation districts, and all other types of private ditch associations. The collection includes meeting minutes, brochures, convention programs, and newsletters.

Dates: 2001-2018

Records of the Iliff and Platte Valley Ditch Company

Identifier: WIPV
Abstract The Records of the Iliff and Platte Valley Ditch Company contains the financial and business records of the company which was established in 1884 and irrigated land in Logan County, Colorado. IPV was typical of many irrigation companies in Colorado and the West in that a group of investors pooled their resources to form the company and raised revenue by selling shares of stock to irrigators. The collection includes several ledger books with articles of incorporation, meeting minutes,...
Dates: 1884-1997; Majority of material found in 1884-1945; 1987-1997

Local Water Resources History Collection

Identifier: WLOC
Abstract The Local Water Resources History Collection is an aggregation of items acquired from many different sources. Combining a wide range of materials including maps, blueprints, brochures, programs, posters, reports, photographs, newsletters, audiotapes, CDs, and DVDs, the collection touches on various topics related to Colorado water issues, people, and organizations. Topics include ditches and irrigation systems, water rights, and drought studies, as well as various rivers and reservoirs. Some...
Dates: 1875-2021; Majority of material found within 1960-2008

Papers of William W. Sayre

Identifier: WSAY

Civil engineer William Sayre (1927-1981) contributed significant scientific research about sediment transport and turbulent flows. He spent the majority of his career working for the U.S. Geological Survey as a research hydrologist and the University of Iowa as a professor of hydraulics and water-resources engineering. The collection consists mainly of articles, reports, and handwritten notes, along with correspondence, presentations, teaching materials, and research data.

Dates: 1949-1981

Papers of Scott Hummer

Identifier: WBRB
Abstract Scott Hummer (b. 1959) worked in Colorado water resources administration and management for more than 30 years, with his longest position being as the first full-time water commissioner for the Blue River Basin (Water District 36). This collection primarily documents that work, emphasizing visual depictions of the Blue River, a tributary of the Colorado River. The collection includes photographs of the river and tributaries, reservoirs and tarns, headgates, diversion systems, high-water...
Dates: 1885-2023; Majority of material found within 1990 - 2011

Records of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District

Identifier: WCCW
Abstract The Central Colorado Water Conservancy District (CCWCD), established in 1965, aids in the development, management, and protection of water resources within the South Platte Basin of Northeastern Colorado. This collection consists primarily of bound copies of meeting minutes from 1965-1974. Also included are newsletters, an annual report, fact sheets, and bylaws. Subject areas covered include surface and groundwater quality research, groundwater storage projects, irrigation well development,...
Dates: 1965-2015; Majority of material found in 1965-1974

Papers of Ted C. Sheng

Identifier: WTCS
Abstract Ted C. Sheng (b. 1924) is a retired professor from the Colorado State University Department of Earth Resources and an expert in international watershed management, especially in policy, education, and training. Sheng's career included serving as a leader of watershed management in Taiwan and as an expert consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization, as well as assisting with watershed programs in countries such as Jamaica, El Salvador, and Thailand. The collection contains a...
Dates: 1989-2015

Records of GASP

Identifier: WGAS
Abstract The Groundwater Appropriators of the South Platte River Basin, Inc. (GASP) was a non-profit well-augmentation company, the first organization of its kind in Colorado. Founded in 1972, its purpose was to offset depletions to the South Platte River caused by pumping of the South Platte valley-fill aquifer. At its peak, GASP served more than 3,000 wells in northeastern Colorado. As state regulation of this activity was modified, the company ceased operations in 2003 and sold the last of its...
Dates: 1912-2007; Majority of material found within 1970-2007